Re-Place™ - Women's Hormone Replacement Therapy in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Most Effective way to Treat Menopausal and Peri-Menopausal Symptoms!

What Hormones Require Replacement and What do they do?

● Estrogen is a naturally occurring hormone in both men and women. Estrogen acts most importantly on the reproductive organs, but also acts on other organ systems such as cardiovascular, skeletal, immune, gastrointestinal, and neural sites.
● Progestin is a naturally occurring hormone that protects against endometrial hyperplasia in women who have a uterus (those who have not had a hysterectomy).
● Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone in both men and women that gradually declines with age and is important in maintaining normal ovarian function, bone metabolism, cognition, and sexual function.
● Studies demonstrate that optimal hormone levels are critical for maintaining ideal libido, energy, muscle strength, fat-free mass, and bone density. During menopause (ages 45-55) and for at least ten years after the onset of menopause, it is essential to maintain proper hormone levels.
● Hormone replacement has shown the following benefits: hot flash improvement, improved collagen content of skin, improved dry eyes, improved mood, improved sexual function, reduced all causes of mortality, reduced insulin resistance, reduced risk of osteoporosis, reduced risk of bone cancer.

What are the Symptoms of Low Hormones?

Symptoms include but are not limited to: chills, decreased endurance, depression, difficulty finding words, dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse), dry skin, fatigue, hair loss, hair thinning, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, joint aches/pain, low energy, poor focus, poor memory, mood swings, muscle mass loss, night sweats, obesity, osteoporosis, reduced sex drive/decreased libido, vaginal itching or burning, and weight gain.

ReMedical™ vs the Others… Not a Small Difference!

While hormone replacement is necessary to maintain proper function, it should only be prescribed under the direction of a licensed health care provider who is trained in women’s health! ReMedical™’s clinicians identify the specific needs of each patient and customizes therapy to achieve optimal results.

Is the Re-Place™ – Hormone Replacement Therapy Right for Me?

If you suffer from low libido, depression, poor focus, irritability, vaginal dryness, night sweats, hair thinning, hot flashes, obesity or any of the above mentioned symptoms, you are likely a candidate for Re-Place™ Hormone Replacement Therapy!

A word from Dr. Justin R. Johnsen M.D.

Re-Place™ – Hormone Replacement Therapy is an exciting treatment that can significantly improve your life. If you are suffering from fatigue, depression, low energy, decreased muscle mass, decreased libido, increased fat gain, or a host of like symptoms, then the Re-Place™ – Hormone Replacement Therapy might be right for you! Come see us! As women’s health experts, we know that both too low or too high hormones levels can cause problems. We will customize your care to achieve the correct levels! Now is the time to start this affordable and effective treatment, so that you can look and feel your best!