Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment

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Are you embarrassed when you sneeze, run, jump or laugh because you pee your pants? Stress urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine during moments of physical activity which increases abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise. Stress urinary incontinence is the most common type of urinary incontinence in women.


There is no need to suffer any longer as there are great treatments available such as: CO2 Vaginal Rejuvenation, PRP V-Shots, Behavioral Therapies, Medications, Devices, and Surgery.


CO2 vaginal rejuvenation is a revolutionary new treatment modality that remedies one of the root causes of stress urinary incontinence – vaginal atrophy. With aging and childbirth, the vaginal wall losses its thickness which causes the bladder to sink inducing stress incontinence. The CO2 laser restores the vaginal thickness, restoring the normal anatomy and eliminating the stress incontinence!


V-Shots are platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections that can be used alone or in conjunction with the CO2 laser. PRP contains the growth factor necessary to restore the thickness of the vaginal wall. As a side benefit, the v-shots can significantly improve vaginal sensation.


Behavior therapies may help lessen episodes of stress incontinence. The different behavioral therapies include:
• Kegel – Pelvic floor muscle exercises also known as Kegel exercises help to strengthen pelvic floor and urinary sphincter muscles.
• Biofeedback – Biofeedback is used in conjunction with Kegel exercises to make them more effective. Biofeedback involves the use of pressure sensors or electrical stimulation to reinforce the proper muscle contractions.
• Fluid consumption – Adjusting how much and when you should consume fluids during the day and evening.
• Avoidance – Avoiding caffeinated, carbonated, and alcoholic beverages, which may irritate and affect bladder function in some people may help you better control the incontinence. You will have to decide whether making these changes in your diet are worth it.
• Lifestyle changes – Quitting smoking, losing any excess weight, or treating a chronic cough will lessen your risk of stress incontinence and may improve your symptoms.
• Bladder training – a schedule for toileting where in more frequent voiding of the bladder may reduce the number or severity of urge incontinence episodes.


There are no FDA approved medications to specifically treat stress incontinence in the United States. The antidepressant duloxetine (Cymbalta, Drizalma Sprinkle) is used for the treatment of stress incontinence in Europe; however, symptoms quickly return when the drug is stopped. Nausea is the most common side effect that makes people stop taking the medication.


Certain devices designed for women may help control stress incontinence these include:
• Vaginal pessary – A specialized device shaped like a ring with two bumps that sit on each side of the urethra opening helping support your bladder base to prevent urine leakage during activity.
• Urethral inserts – A small tampon-like disposable device inserted into the urethra acting as a barrier to prevent leakage. They can be worn for up to eight hours a day but are generally used only for heavy activity, such as repeated lifting, running, or playing tennis.


• Pelvic Sling – the most common procedure performed where the surgeon creates a sling or hammock that supports the urethra.
• Injectable agents – Synthetic gels may be injected into tissues around the upper portion of the urethra bulking up the area around the urethra which helps the urethral sphincter to close better.
• Retropubic Colpo suspension. – A surgical procedure that uses sutures attached to ligaments along the pubic bone to lift and support tissues near the bladder neck and upper portion of the urethra.
As you can see there are great options available for everyone! Don’t suffer a minute longer and book your free consultation today! Call us at: 801-807-8811 Email: or visit our website at: to request your appointment.
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